Friday 15 April 2011


Aw man, I just saw my last post was at the beginning of March! I hope I get better at prompt posting.

So my excuses are: busy & travelling. Well, to Hereford.I had a great long weekend hanging out in my boyfriend's home town, complete with day trip to an obscene amount of garden centres in the welsh valleys with my mam. Next, the motherland! I'm heading up to Scotland on Monday for a week to possibly learn to surf, make some trousers for my granny and lounge around eating. Next Month features a weekend in Derry! After promising for five years, I'm finally visiting my old flat mate for a uni reunion.

It's not all jet set though (I still haven't left British soil) I've been working on pattern cutting Paris' A/W Collection and trying to find a little inspiration for my own... possibly a bit of teddy boy/ rockabilly with some LA gangster thrown in? It'll look good, I promise!

Incidentally, Paris' new website is up and running and she's got her first stockist, online boutique Tara Lacey and there's talk of a new collection for Vidal Sassoon in the Summer!